Goal setting: What Most People Don’t Know

Moving beyond goal setting to goal getting When I talk with clients about goal setting, there are always a few (okay, a lot) who give up before they start.  They usually say things like: I tried setting goals… and they don’t work for me. I just don’t have any willpower. I’m tired of setting goals. …

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Discouraged and Giving up on Goals?

Are you ready to ditch your goals for the new year already? Do they feel like you will never get there? Is it stressing you out just to see how far you have to go? Quitter’s Day is celebrated the second Friday in January because by that time most people have already given up on…

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Year-End Review: Celebrating Wins and Lessons from 2023

writing in journal

As the curtain falls on another transformative year, it’s time to embark on a powerful ritual – the Year-End Review. This isn’t just about numbers and statistics; it’s a holistic celebration of both victories and lessons, a roadmap for the exciting entrepreneurial journey ahead. The Gap and the Gain: A Perspective Shift As you delve…

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Does Personality Style Impact Goal Achievement?

visualize your future

How to work in your strengths and achieve your goals You might wonder what your personality style has to do with how you set and accomplish goals… easy answer: everything. If you use the DISC assessment to understand your personality, then you also will see that each style approaches setting goals differently. Here are some…

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Rev Up Your Revenue: Step #1 Clarity

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It’s Step 1 of the Rev Up Your Revenue Challenge, and today is all about CLARITY Question: What is clarity and why is it essential for increasing your revenue? Answer: When you are clear in your business, it makes the job of communication and decision making simpler because you know your mission, goals and priorities. In addition, clarity…

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Rev Up Your Revenue: Step #3 Goal Setting


Just like you, I’m as resistant to setting goals for my business as anyone else. Why? Setting a goal means using a lot of brain energy to determine where I am and where I want to be. It’s easier to just keep on doing what I’m doing… whether it is working well or not. Setting…

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Does Your Email Set Your Priorities for the Day?

man with computer

Is your “to do” list created around what shows up in your email inbox? Guess who is in charge of you and your time when you do this? Answer: Not you. It is whoever wrote that email or posted that message on social media. This common mistake means that you are living a life that…

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What do you do when things don’t go as planned?

problems and planning

Even when you plan things… and plan them well life can throw you some curve balls. This month my husband and I are living aboard our 38′ sailboat, Ostara in a marina in St. Petersburg, Florida. Our plan? To spend some time getting boat projects completed so we can sail off into the sunset for…

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Why We Need Backward Thinking

goals and action plans

In many areas of life, it is standard practice to complete what is called a post-mortem to determine not only what happened when something failed but also what happened when a venture was successful. One of the best things we can all do at the beginning of the new year is to use this technique…

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Maybe you should be a quitter


Got your goals in place? Is one of your goals to be a quitter? What if the most important question you could answer is not what are you going to do? What if the most important question is: What are you not going to do? What will you give up?  What will you quit doing?…

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