Does Personality Style Impact Goal Achievement?

visualize your future

How to work in your strengths and achieve your goals You might wonder what your personality style has to do with how you set and accomplish goals… easy answer: everything. If you use the DISC assessment to understand your personality, then you also will see that each style approaches setting goals differently. Here are some…

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Do you know how you are wired?

woman unsure

Personality Matters Ever had a co-worker you just could not work with? Ever hired someone whose personality wasn’t a good fit for the job they had to do?  Have you ever felt that you just weren’t wired for certain things? Personality Style matters doesn’t it?  What if you understood how you are wired, so you could…

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Wonder where your clients are?

group conversation

Connecting with your Ideal Clients In my line of work as a business coach, I talk with a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs who aren’t making the sales that they expected. Heck they aren’t even making enough sales to justify their business as a business rather than a hobby.  Many are confused and discouraged. They have…

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what is your leadership style?

woman and leadership

Leadership Style “I’m not really a people person,”  a leader at one of my DISC training sessions told me. A coworker was surprised.   Many of us have the expectation that anyone in a leadership role must be a D personality style (dominant, decisive, doer, determined) or an I personality style (inspiring, influential, interactive).  In…

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3 Ways to Bond your Team During a Crisis

 Bond Your Team During a Crisis Are you leading a team, a business group or staff of an organization during these unusual and troubled times? Maybe you work for an organization and have a group that you are in charge of. Or perhaps you are in direct sales and have a team that you lead.…

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What Type of Introvert Are You?

Introvert or Extrovert? Do you wish you were someone else–personality wise?  Introverts may wish they were more outgoing. Extroverts wish they were more calm and focused.  In this series of posts on personality style, I’ll be sharing how understanding our temperament can lead us to celebrate our strengths and and stand in our own power rather than…

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