A Personal Note: This is My Legacy
What Will People Remember About You? I opened my email one day last week to learn that someone I have written about more than once in my blog, Dan Miller, was ending his podcast of 17 years due to a recent diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Although I had not been in contact with Dan in…
Read MoreRev Up Your Revenue: Step #1 Clarity
It’s Step 1 of the Rev Up Your Revenue Challenge, and today is all about CLARITY Question: What is clarity and why is it essential for increasing your revenue? Answer: When you are clear in your business, it makes the job of communication and decision making simpler because you know your mission, goals and priorities. In addition, clarity…
Read MoreWhat’s your story?
And why it matters A favorite gift I once received is a lovely canvas designed by Kelly Rae Roberts. Her extraordinary work combines quotes and collage. Even though I don’t know her, I feel we share something in common and her art pieces always speak to me. The message on the one that I own is: Your beautifully, messy, complicated…
Read MoreDo you know your calling?
Your Mission Matters Do you know your calling or purpose with clarity and focus? Could you state it in one succinct sentence? Or is it foggy and unclear? Charles Schultz, the creator of Charlie Brown was a genius at bringing big concepts down to everyday life. In one comic strip, Lucy says to Charlie, “You know,…
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