Are You a Wannabee or For Real?
Mindset and Practice are Key
A while back, I sent an email to a friend, encouraging him to join a writing critique group that I attended. I explained that it was a group of other educators and that many of them wrote young adult fiction, an interest of his as well.
Guess what his response was? “That sounds like fun, but I’m not sure if I would have anything to offer. I’m not a real author and I’m really not a writer; a real writer would write more than I do.”
Do you talk about yourself the same way? Do you say that you are a (fill in the blank) wannabe?
Do you say you’re not a real entrepreneur or business owner? If you were you’d sell more or make a bigger impact?
How do you know if you are for real? What is the standard of measurement for labeling yourself a writer or an entrepreneur or a singer or whatever?
Writers write and if you do that, you qualify. Along the same lines: Entrepreneurs start up businesses. Singers sing. Teachers teach.
Leadership coach, John Maxwell says, “If you want to win, you’ve got to start.” Seems pretty obvious doesn’t it? So what’s the hold up? While getting started is an action step, many times it is our internal critical voice that keeps us from taking that first step.
It’s time to stand up and announce boldly and confidently your mission. It is hard to expand into a new territory, but there are a few things you can do to move forward and gain the confidence to become who you want to be, even when it is uncomfortable.
Change Your Mindset
If necessary spend some time practicing what to say until it comes naturally. “I write young adult fiction” or “I am a business owner,” or “I write fortunes for Chinese fortune cookies, ” or ” I sell home made cakes.” Be proud. Be bold. Be confident. Be excited! I know that it doesn’t feel natural. I know that sometimes it feels fake and phony.
Sometimes though, the hardest person to convince of the truth, is yourself! Imposter syndrome can rule the show. Remember my writer friend that I invited to the critique group? He had already co-authored one book and completed another young adult book. Yet he did not feel confident enough to label himself a writer. (I’m not making this up!)
Practice, practice, practice
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go and do that.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~Howard Thurman