
Maybe you should be a quitter

Got your goals in place?

Is one of your goals to be a quitter?

What if the most important question you could answer is not what are you going to do?

What if the most important question is: What are you not going to do?

What will you give up?  What will you quit doing?

One of the great dilemmas of modern life is that there is too much.

Too much stuff.

Too much to do.

Too many opportunities that are not to be missed.

Too many obligations and commitments.

Too many decisions to be made.

Feel like you are drowning in the overwhelm of it all?

Sometimes in order to move forward we need to give up.

I’m not saying it’s easy, especially if you are quitting something and feel like you are:

  • letting someone down
  • losing some potential
  • closing a door
  • ending a season

What if it’s possible that quitting isn’t a sacrifice but instead a gift?    

Being a quitter isn’t always a bad thing.

Here are some questions to help you make the tough decision:

  • Is it congruent with your mission? Or is it something that you started that now seems way out in left field?
  • Is it productive?  Does it add to the bottom line of your business, bring in income or referrals?
  • Is it still meaningful and satisfying?  Perhaps it fills a need for a relationship or a creative outlet?
  • Is there something else that will take it’s place?  Is that replacement more worthwhile?
  • Is it a necessary stepping stone to a future that you desire? Are you sure? Is there a better way to get there?
  • Is it a habit that has lost it’s original meaning and purpose?

We all have things that we need to give up.  How to determine what those things are involves looking ahead to the future that we dream of and making the decision based on our new vision.

Being a quitter may just be the best choice you can make.




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