woman thinking

What I’ve Learned about Wishing and Waiting

I’ve spent a good deal of my life wishing and waiting.

In fact, I could say that I’m an expert at it. Here are some of the reasons (excuses) for waiting:

  • waiting for the right time
  • waiting to be sure
  • waiting until everything is perfectly aligned
  • waiting for the right person or the right opportunity.

Here’s the thinking that kept me stuck:

When I……. then I will….  

When I have the confidence I need, then I will go to a networking meeting.

When I have written something really good, then I will call myself a writer.

When I have sold enough books, then I will feel like a success.

Do you see the problem with this type of thinking? It sets us up to be forever waiting and never taking action.  It creates a cause and effect situation that doesn’t really exist anywhere but in our minds.  If I waited for the confidence I needed to take action…well I’d still be waiting.

Does this happen to you?  Do you say

When I have enough time, then I will start that business, write that book, or travel to my dream destination.

When I get over being so anxious and afraid, then I will attend a networking meeting.

When I make x amount of money, then I will be happy?

I finally figured out that waiting wasn’t working. Here’s how to turn that around:

In order to create the life of your dreams, you have to stop waiting and start taking action.  It may be imperfect action, like doing something before you have the confidence to do it, but take action anyway. It doesn’t have to be a big step.  It can be a tiny step.  But you must quiet the inner critic and begin.  Turn the equation around and take charge of your life:

I choose to attend a networking meeting even though I am nervous.

I choose to start my dream business even though I have a lot of demands on my time.

I choose to feel like a success now, even though I haven’t yet sold x amount of product.

Take a look at the thinking that is holding you back.

Are you accidentally sabotaging your dreams because you are waiting?

Are you preventing yourself from taking action because you are waiting?

What if you stopped waiting and took action instead? What would that look like?

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