Feeling Scared? Good!
Is Your Passion Greater than Your Fear?
One of the most common emotions that I work with clients on is fear.
Fear can be paralyzing.
Fear can hold you back from realizing your dreams and accomplishing your goals.
Fear can be a good thing.
What if it is possible that fear can influence us, but in a good way?
What if fear is the fuel we need to move forward?
What if complacency is actually the biggest danger?
My Fear
One of the most common fears is public speaking. One of my first jobs just out of college was as an addiction counselor in an alcohol treatment center and a big part of the job involved teaching regular classes. The thought of making a presentation to a group struck fear into my heart. I can still remember the anxiety I would feel weeks ahead whenever my name would appear on the schedule. I would agonize over the material. I would worry over the reaction of the attendees. My hands would shake and my voice would quiver throughout the class.
My Passion
In 2014, I left my career of twenty years as a guidance counselor in a school, where I taught hundreds of classes to children every year. I advised parents and consulted with teachers. I coordinated conferences and facilitated crucial conversations.
What happened to my fear, terror really, of speaking in public? My passion is greater than my fear. I am passionate about engaging children and adults in becoming problem solvers, becoming successful at setting and reaching goals and interacting better through understanding personality styles. I believe in the possibility of change and the potential that we each have if we tap into our God given talents and gifts.
When I embarked on the new venture of training and coaching adults through my Dream Achiever Coaching business, I ran head first into those same paralyzing fears that I encountered at the beginning of my coaching career; fear of being seen, fear of criticism, fear of failure. It wasn’t easy, but this time I knew that my fears didn’t need to drive the bus. I could listen respectfully to their contributions, then relegate them to an assigned seat at the back of the bus, while I took control and moved forward. Here’s what I’ve learned about fear:
Fear isn’t a sign that you shouldn’t take action. It isn’t a sign from the universe that you should wait until later when it is gone. It isn’t even something that has your future or your best interest at heart.
Fear is an evolutionary reaction of our brain to the possibility of life threatening dangers; lions and tigers and bears for example, which most of us don’t even face in our modern day world.
Fear is a good thing, in its proper role. It is energizing. It can get our creative juices flowing as we solve problems. It can help us develop critical thinking skills. It can get us off the couch and in the game. But it doesn’t need to be in charge. And it doesn’t need to be constant. It just needs to be recognized and affirmed.
Today, I regularly speak at conferences, provide training to schools, parents and businesses and coach clients. Do I ever feel the old fear of public speaking? Of course. Fear, self-doubt and lack of self confidence still have their place in my life. But I keep moving forward. Why? Because my passion is greater than my fear.
Feel the fear. Do it anyway. ~Helen Keller
Do you have a passion that you wish to follow, to nurture?
Is fear or lack of confidence holding you back?
Lets get you back in the driver’s seat.
Let’s talk: https://bookme.name/dreamachiever