group conversation

Wonder where your clients are?

Connecting with your Ideal Clients

In my line of work as a business coach, I talk with a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs who aren’t making the sales that they expected. Heck they aren’t even making enough sales to justify their business as a business rather than a hobby.  Many are confused and discouraged. They have followed all the recommendations.  They have a professional looking website.  They created the product.  They are attending weekly networking events and passing out business cards like they are candy. They are waiting expectantly for the phone to ring or the online sales to happen.  Crickets…

The solution of course is individual, but a common mistake that I often find that can turn the tables around is this:

You and your business aren’t clear on who your ideal customer is.  Too many businesses try to appeal to everyone. It’s much like the difference between fishing in the ocean and fishing at the local  stocked fish farm.  At the fish pond, there is a smaller area to cover and you know exactly what you are fishing for. Here are some examples of fishing in the ocean: 

  • A life coach who handles all problems, personal and career
  • An organizer who helps businesses large and small, working moms who are juggling career and family, stay at home moms who are overwhelmed with home and kids as well as anyone else who needs to get organized
  • A fitness coach who helps clients lose weight and get physically fit, no matter the age, gender or amount of weight to lose.

Fill in the blanks in this sentence to help narrow down and target your clients:

I help, teach or work with…

  • who?-your ideal client   
  • do what?-lose weight, get organized,  cope with  
  • so they can what? -how will they feel or what will they experience- feel confident, be less stressed, find the job or their dreams

Here are some examples of fishing in a stocked pond:

  • A divorce coach who helps women navigate the experience of divorce so they can confidently cope with the necessary lifestyle changes.
  • An organizer who helps working moms coordinate their personal life and their professional life so they can be successful in both areas of their life.
  • A fitness coach who helps young women who are engaged and planning their wedding get in the best shape ever  so they can enjoy their special day.  

See the difference?  Want some help identifying your ideal client and presenting your business?

Present Like a Pro

confident older woman

Identify your ideal client and how to speak their language.

Grab Your Seat Here


New! Personality Style and Your Business

personality coaching session








Grab Your Seat Here


I was at a turning point in my business in deciding which direction to go.  I needed some focus and inspiration.  Fortunately I was connected with Lynne Watts and Dream Achiever Coaching.  Through a few individual coaching sessions and her informative videos I learned how to change my mindset about “selling” and promoting my business.  I also gained clarity on direction and uncovered a business model that would work best with my current phase of life.  I now have greater clarity to move forward in 2017 and have already landed my first client of the year!  Lynne is positive, encouraging, and is great at helping you find the clarity and inspiration you need to move to the next level!  I highly recommend Lynne’s coaching packages! ~Sandra Abdalian 

Need clarity in your career or business?  Let’s talk.  

Sign up for a complimentary coaching call here: 

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