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Personality Style and Sales

How personality impacts sales

Business is about sales and  sales is about relationships.  While you may think that your business is about your unique product or your quality service it is ultimately about the relationships that you create and nurture around your product or service.  Whenever people are involved there is the possibility of either misunderstanding or connecting in a positive way.  One way to make sure that you connect with your customer base is to determine the different personality styles of your clients and speak in their language. Of course first, you must recognize and be familiar with the four basic styles.

The D behavioral style is a decisive doer.  They talk more than they listen and they make statements rather than asking questions.  Their conversation is generally straightforward and to the point.  An extrovert, they are not afraid to voice their opinions in a forceful way. Their speech tends to be loud and rapid.  Task oriented, they often have an aversion to small talk and may engage in another activity while they are talking to you. They may direct the conversation, interrupt other speakers and seem abrupt.

The I behavioral style is an inspiring talker.  They are extroverts who love to tell stories, share personal feelings and express their opinions. Feelings matter to them and their speech uses a lot of inflection and emotion.  They may be dramatic and speak in a high volume.  Speech is often rapid and they may have little perception of time.  They are easily distracted and move from a serious to a light-hearted conversation quickly. They tend to be more informative than inquisitive.

The S behavioral style is a supportive listener.  They are introverts who often ask more than they share and reserve their opinions.  They have a steady, even-tempered speech with a lower volume and slower rate.  Since they are people oriented, they are warm, friendly and natural listeners. They often stop quickly if interrupted.  Usually the last one to speak, they often have the most important information to share.

The C behavioral style is a careful questioner.  They are introverts who are task oriented.  Personal sharing is limited and they tend to be formal and proper with little emotion.  Often they prefer written communication to verbal and speak in careful structured speech patterns.  They ask pertinent questions and use thinking words rather than feeling words.  They are logical and clarifying, gaining as much information as possible and double checking on issues discussed.

How to Connect With Each Style

First, recognize that their style is how they are wired and not take it personally.  Opposites often misread the intention of their opposing styles. Decisive doers get frustrated with supportive listeners because they aren’t decisive and well… doing anything.  Supportive listeners often feel put down or even attacked by the assertive style of the doer. Inspiring talkers are often frustrated with the reserved questioners who are careful and fact oriented while questioners are often irritated by the lack of focus of the talker.  You can see where there is lots of room for misunderstanding and misinterpretation.  Relationships can deteriorate due to a lack of understanding of how people are wired.

How to Speak the Language

Now that you know the style of each one, you can speak their language by following a few guidelines:

Remember that the D style is motivated by results.   When you are describing your product or service be sure to highlight the benefits and results that they can expect.  Cut out the small talk and stories while just giving them the facts.

The I style is motivated by fun, feelings and fellowship.  Let them know the entertaining and enjoyable side of your product especially as it involves their relationship to others.

The S style is motivated by peace and harmony.  Let them know how your product or service will make their life easier and more comfortable.

The C style is motivated by quality and good value.  Let them know the facts about the value your product or service delivers.

I know that it takes a little practice to recognize and speak the language of the four different personality styles, but ultimately your business and your customers will thank you.  Customers will feel connected and sales will follow.

Want to understand your personality style and improve communication with co-workers, family and friends?

Grab the basic DISC personality profile and a personal interpretation with me here:

DISC personality assessment

Want to dive deep and gain an understanding of how you can improve your sales conversation through understanding personality styles? I have a separate assessment for that.  Contact me at dream@lynnewatts.com and I can provide that for you or your business.

Erin Shaw

Wow! Lynne’s expertise in personality styles, mindset and priority management is a powerful combination.  The interactive and personalized format was engaging and gave me tools I can use and actions I can take right away. I am able to more clearly articulate what my business is (What do you do?) and who it serves (Who is your ideal client?), and I have come away with a system for building my business (How do I do it?) ~Erin Shaw




  1. Holly on September 26, 2016 at 3:43 pm

    This is great stuff, Lynn! The challenge for me is that many people have more than one style and it’s not always easy to know which to appeal to. Then it becomes about being adaptable, which isn’t always easy for a C. 😉

  2. Lynne Watts on September 27, 2016 at 11:18 pm

    Great question Holly! It is true that many people have more than one style, but typically one style is dominant and the secondary style is usually complimentary in some way rather than an opposite. For instance, a D often has a secondary style of a C. This would mean that they are motivated by results first of all but also by quality and good value. As you can imagine those things are very similar. Or an I might have a secondary style of an S. Both are very much people focused so they would be motivated by interactions that are positive and fun loving. Hope that helps!

  3. Lynne on September 27, 2016 at 11:19 pm

    Great question Holly! It is true that many people have more than one style, but typically one style is dominant and the secondary style is usually complimentary in some way rather than an opposite. For instance, a D often has a secondary style of a C. This would mean that they are motivated by results first of all but also by quality and good value. As you can imagine those things are very similar. Or an I might have a secondary style of an S. Both are very much people focused so they would be motivated by interactions that are positive and fun loving. Hope that helps!

  4. […] You might wonder what your personality style has to do with how you set and accomplish goals… easy answer: everything.  I’ve written in a previous post about personality style: Understanding Personality Style can Improve Your Business.  […]

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