how to measure your success

Are you successful?

I love to hike in the Georgia mountains…unless it’s cold or hot or windy or raining.

Or I’m feeling tired, or unmotivated or … Well you get the idea. 

It’s sort of a love-hate relationship to be honest. 

I hate the effort and discomfort.

I love the accomplishment of making it to the top.

I hate the pain and the exhaustion.

I love knowing that I did it despite the odds.

And honestly, I often feel the same way about my business.

I recently talked with a client who was feeling discouraged and stalled with the progress she had made. She just had a bad week with health problems, family issues and stress on her job.  She hadn’t accomplished the goals she had set to contact potential clients, she’d cancelled appointments and had taken care of everyone but herself.  

She was looking at the top of the mountain and wondering if she’d ever get there. 

Instead, I asked her to look at where she had come from–the gains that she had made in the short time since we began working together.  She had moved from overwhelm and confusion to clarity and focus. She had narrowed down her possibilities and had a plan for how to move forward.  In short, I asked her to keep her eye on the top of the mountain but measure her success by looking backward at the gains she had made. 

This is an important concept.  We all need a mountain to climb,  an ideal or goal to strive for. But to measure our success, we always need to look backward and measure how far we’ve come.  The gains we have made from the starting line to the present is the true measurement of success.  There will always be another mountain top to climb in our future.  

Need help climbing the mountain in your career future?  Sign up for a free coaching clarity call and let’s turn those dreams into reality:


  1. […] be perfect.  And that’s why it’s important to practice taking imperfect action and measuring progress from where we start, not just where we want to be at the […]

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