You are one of my thankfuls…
Sometimes kids are the best at summing up life’s lessons.
My friend Ellen’s grand-daughter, Carleigh, did that at Thanksgiving a few years ago. When asked what she was thankful for, she responded without hesitation, “YOU!” meaning of course my friend and her Gigi, Ellen.
Wouldn’t you be excited to to hear who is thankful for you?
With that in mind and in the spirit of the Thanksgiving season, each year I publish my list of the Top Thankfuls in my life. Here it goes for 2015:
10. The inspirational figures and coaches-–Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, Andy Stanley, Kent Julian and Christine Kane –who have devoted their lives to making a difference in the lives of others and who have truly made a difference in mine. I’ve read their books, attended their conferences and benefited from their coaching.
9. The clients that I have been privileged to coach in the past year–While I have spent a lifetime in the business of counseling in different settings, this past year I have followed my dream of career coaching with purpose-driven truly amazing clients who have big dreams and even bigger hearts for transforming the world. They inspire me on a daily basis to live the model I teach.
8. Fellow solo-preneurs who are accountability partners and mastermind buddies–Creating a business is exciting, thrilling and hugely rewarding. It is also confusing, lonely and sometimes scary. It is so wonderful to have the support of others who understand the challenge and who freely share their love and advice.
7. Dream Achiever and Wyatt the Wonder Dog Peeps–I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all the readers who buy my books, follow my blogs, sign up for coaching and attend my programs. You are my inspiration.
6. My Thursday ‘Love Ya Like A Sista’ group. We support each other, we vacation together, we socialize together. We love each other like sisters. You are the best!
5. My grandfather. He was the first writer that I knew. I am so grateful that he recognized my talent and encouraged me to develop it.
4. My sister and brothers. There is a special bond between siblings and I will always cherish this.
3. My Mom and Dad. The older I get, the more I appreciate the support, the encouragement, the sacrifices, the constructive criticism and the love that you shared to make me who I am today.
2. My daughters. It’s amazing the depth of love a parent can have for a child. I am so honored and privileged to be a part of their lives. I am proud of their journey to becoming the best they can be.
1. My God who loved me before I even knew Him and who sought me out and sent His son to seal that relationship.
What about you?
What if during this season of thanks, you recognized those to whom you are most grateful in your life?
Who would that be?
I like your inspirational figures and coaches. We need to practice gratitude more often than just around Thanksgiving. We are all so blessed and we need to remember it everyday. You have gotten us all thinking.